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Helpful Blogs

Richard Jenkins
Sep 26, 2015
Choice Of Law & Jurisdiction
I recently read an interesting blog from Fladgate LLP on “Common mistakes in choice of law and jurisdiction clauses”. Over the years, I...

Richard Jenkins
Sep 11, 2015
Consumer Rights Act 2015 (CRA)
Following on from the blog on 14th April 2015 Consumer Rights Act 2015 (CRA), most of the provisions of the CRA are due to be implemented...

Richard Jenkins
Sep 1, 2015
Advena Limited: A Case Study
Advena Ltd provides regulatory and quality advice and consultancy to assist clients to bring their medical device and cosmetics products...

Richard Jenkins
Aug 20, 2015
Exclusion Clauses
In a recent court case, it was decided that numerous exclusions and limitations of liability by a supplier in its standard terms and...

Richard Jenkins
Jul 20, 2015
Terms and Conditions – Case Study
Battle of forms – Case Study Following our previous blog on Incorporating your terms and conditions, here is a case study on the...

Richard Jenkins
Jul 3, 2015
Interpretation of Contracts
In the above case, four out of the five judges upheld a clause in a 90 year lease which provided for an annual 10% increase in the cost...

Richard Jenkins
Jun 23, 2015
Force Majeure
What is Force Majeure? A French term meaning ‘superior or irresistible force’, it is a clause in contracts that essentially frees both...

Richard Jenkins
Jun 15, 2015
The Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) Regulations 2006
The EAT provides important TUPE clarification for transferors. In simple terms, where there is a transfer of an undertaking (which might...

Richard Jenkins
May 27, 2015
Good Faith in Commercial Contracts
You might be surprised to hear that English law has not historically implied an obligation on the parties to a contract to act in good...

Richard Jenkins
May 13, 2015
Clear Drafting For Contracts
Ministry of Plain English? Orwell’s rules for clear (legal) writing. I have had many occasions where clients have asked me to explain...

Richard Jenkins
May 7, 2015
Opportunity at Claric Legal
Do you want a role that offers: flexibility; a large percentage of what is billed to your clients; and the support of an established...

Richard Jenkins
May 1, 2015
Pre-action Disclosure Orders
Making Payments Inadvertently to the Wrong Account! If the account holder refuses to respond to a query from the bank, the bank is unable...

Richard Jenkins
Apr 14, 2015
Consumer Rights Act 2015 (CRA)
It will deal with and clarify: measures/remedies for when goods, digital content (eg online films, games, e-books) and services fail to...

Richard Jenkins
Apr 7, 2015
Do your contract terms reflect what is being delivered?
Technology contracts: creative relationships require creative agreements. Whilst the blog concentrates on Technology Contracts, the...

Richard Jenkins
Apr 1, 2015
Directors and Shareholders
It is important to understand such distinction as company law requires some decisions to be made by the directors in board meetings and...

Richard Jenkins
Apr 1, 2015
Stop the press! Claric Legal are in the Coventry Telegraph
Richard Jenkins from Claric Legal was featured in the Coventry Telegraph on 1st April 2015. He discussed why he set up the business and...

Richard Jenkins
Mar 26, 2015
Normally, the individual or business who authored the work will own the copyright and is referred to as the ‘first owner of copyright’....
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