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Helpful Blogs
Richard Jenkins
Jan 16, 2014
Due Diligence When Buying a Business
Introduction In simple terms, “due diligence” is an investigative process prior to buying a business. Conducting due diligence gives you...
Richard Jenkins
Jan 10, 2014
Macismo International Limited: A Case Study
Introduction Businesses often require reliable and consistent ongoing support from its legal advisers who understand their business needs...
Richard Jenkins
Dec 17, 2013
Incorporating your terms and conditions
“The Battle of the Forms” Introduction You may be aware that I advocate putting in place clear terms and conditions (T&Cs) for all but...
Richard Jenkins
Nov 21, 2013
Franchise Agreements
Franchises There are clear advantages of investing in a franchise which might include: the opportunity to work from an established and...
Richard Jenkins
Oct 23, 2013
Share Option Schemes
Introduction Share Option Schemes can be an effective way of rewarding and incentivising staff without affecting the business’s cashflow...
Richard Jenkins
Oct 14, 2013
Open Exhibitions Limited: A Case Study
One of the difficulties owners of small/medium businesses often come across when trying to sell, acquire, merge etc is finding affordable...
Richard Jenkins
Sep 24, 2013
Contract Provisions
Introduction Benjamin Franklin stated “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure”. In the commercial world, written contracts are...
Richard Jenkins
Sep 10, 2013
Employee Shareholders
Introduction New legislation came into force on 1st September 2013 enabling staff to take on the status of ‘employee shareholder’ in...
Richard Jenkins
Sep 3, 2013
International Trade and Jurisdiction
Trading overseas introduces a whole list of issues which do not necessarily need consideration when trading domestically. For example,...
Richard Jenkins
Aug 19, 2013
Self-employed Status of Sub-contractors
The following factors are important in determining the self-employed status of Sub-Contractors: The Sub-Contractor should be able to hire...
Richard Jenkins
Aug 12, 2013
Trade Mark Infringement by Microsoft
It appears that even large companies fall foul of trade mark laws. This BBC article illustrates the traps that can easily be fallen into...
Richard Jenkins
Jul 16, 2013
Seven simple actions to protect your business when selling online?
Simple actions to protect your business and limit your exposure to fraud: Terms & Conditions: Have clear, readable and, most importantly,...
Richard Jenkins
Jun 28, 2013
How do I protect my brand?
Trade Marks A trade mark is a form of intellectual property used to distinguish the goods/services of one undertaking from those of...
Richard Jenkins
Jun 15, 2013
What to consider when going into partnership
The advantage of going into business with a partner is being able to make the most of shared resources and complementary skills....
Richard Jenkins
Jun 1, 2013
What is UK Copyright Law?
The current statute that deals with copyright law is the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. Rights covered The legislation gives...
Richard Jenkins
Aug 12, 2012
Consumer Protection (Distance Selling) Regulations 2000
The Consumer Protection (Distance Selling) Regulations 2000 were brought in on the 31st October 2000 to implement the EC Distance...
Richard Jenkins
Jul 25, 2012
Trade Mark Enforcement
Trade Marks A trade mark is a form of intellectual property used to distinguish the goods/services of one undertaking from those of...
Richard Jenkins
Mar 26, 2012
Unfair Terms in Consumer Contracts
In English law, parties are generally free to negotiate the terms of any agreement between them but, in practice, it is often the strong...
Richard Jenkins
Jan 30, 2012
Choice of Business Medium
The legal form a business takes needs to be decided upon by its owners upon setting up or a decision may be taken to change the form...
Richard Jenkins
Nov 9, 2011
Confidentiality Agreements. Are you protecting your business's information?
Sometimes called (amongst other things) a "Non-disclosure Agreement" or a "Secrecy Agreement", a "Confidentiality Agreement" ("CDA") is...
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