Corporate Governance
Claric Legal Services Corporate Governance
Corporate Governance Guidance and procedural reviews
In simple terms, corporate governance is a term used to refer to the way in which companies are governed. It is concerned with practices/procedures for running a company which are often subject to various guidelines and constraints (eg laws, regulations, ethical issues etc).
Why is it important?
Corporate governance can be used as a process for monitoring and control to ensure that management runs the company in the interests of shareholders, employees, customers and/or the public.
How Claric can help
Claric can advise on corporate governance matters either for a specific project or on an ongoing basis. It is experienced in drafting documents that govern companies such as Memorandum & Articles of Association, Shareholders’ Agreements, directors/shareholders resolutions etc.
Get in touch
If you’re looking for easy access and affordable legal advice along with clear and understandable legal documents, contact Richard Jenkins on
024 7698 0613 or info@clariclegal.co.uk for further assistance.