Share Capital
Claric Legal Services Share Capital
What is Share Capital structuring?
A company’s share capital may be restructured by allotting new shares, consolidation, subdivision, reduction, creating new classes etc.
Why is it important?
A restructure may be required for a number of reasons. For example:
Raising capital;
Creating distributable reserves;
Effecting a buyback of shares;
To give different rights to different shareholders relating to, say, voting, payment of dividends etc.
How Claric can help
Claric can assist with restructuring by:
Reviewing the existing structure, the company’s Articles of Association and any other relevant documentation;
Drafting appropriate Board minutes;
Drafting appropriate shareholders’ resolutions, purchase contract, and Companies House forms;
Filing the necessary documents at Companies House etc
Get in touch
If you’re looking for easy access and affordable legal advice along with clear and understandable legal documents, contact Richard Jenkins on
024 7698 0613 or info@clariclegal.co.uk for further assistance.